Turkish Lira to Peso in Mercado Cambiario

Last update: Mon 16/09/2024 09:30 - Central Time Zone, Mexico
Average Price0.56630.001 0.18%(today)
Change (Average Price)
7 days -0.0218-3.71%
30 days 0.00721.29%
90 days 0.0030.53%

Graph for turkish lira to mexican peso rates in Mercado Cambiario

The average turkish lira to mexican peso exchange rate is $0.5663 MXN in FX Market in Mexico today, Monday 16/09/2024 09:30. The average exchange rate increased 0.001 points today. This corresponds to a a rise of 0.18% for TRY/MXN in FX Market until now since the previous closing.

Reverse Exchange Rate (MXN/TRY)

The reverse exchange rate, Mexican peso to turkish lira (MXN/TRY) is 1.7658 today.

Comments on turkish lira to mexican peso in Mercado Cambiario

Daily details on Turkish Lira to Peso rates

Max todayMin today
Average Price0.56990.5637
Last ClosingOpening
Average Price0.56530.5654

Other Banks/Institutions giving turkish lira to mexican peso exchange rates

BanksChange (today) Buy / Sell *
Banco Santander-1.07%0.567426
*: Rows that contain single value should be considered as sell rates.

Conversion Table for turkish lira to mexican peso in Mercado Cambiario

QuantityAverage Price (Average Price)
1 TRY0.566300 MXN
2 TRY1.1326 MXN
5 TRY2.8315 MXN
10 TRY5.6630 MXN
20 TRY11.3260 MXN
50 TRY28.3150 MXN
100 TRY56.6300 MXN
200 TRY113.2600 MXN
250 TRY141.5750 MXN
500 TRY283.1500 MXN
750 TRY424.7250 MXN
1000 TRY566.3000 MXN
2000 TRY1,132.60 MXN
5000 TRY2,831.50 MXN

Conversion Table for mexican peso to turkish lira in Mercado Cambiario

QuantityAverage Price (Average Price)
1 MXN1.7658 TRY
2 MXN3.5316 TRY
5 MXN8.8290 TRY
10 MXN17.6580 TRY
20 MXN35.3160 TRY
50 MXN88.2900 TRY
100 MXN176.5800 TRY
200 MXN353.1600 TRY
250 MXN441.4500 TRY
500 MXN882.9000 TRY
750 MXN1,324.35 TRY
1000 MXN1,765.80 TRY
2000 MXN3,531.60 TRY
5000 MXN8,829.00 TRY