Swiss Franc to Peso in Banco Santander
CHF/MXN Last update: Sat 12/10/2024 04:15 - Central Time Zone, MexicoAverage Price22.67340.0673 0.30%(today)
*: The exchange rate shown is only indicative and does not necessarily represent the exchange rate that would be applied in transactions with the bank.
Change (Average Price) | |
7 days | -0.0492-0.22% |
30 days | -0.7827-3.34% |
90 days | 2.576812.82% |
Graph for swiss franc to mexican peso rates in Banco Santander
The average swiss franc to mexican peso exchange rate is $22.6734 MXN in Banco Santander in Mexico today, Saturday 12/10/2024 04:15. The average exchange rate increased 0.0673 points today. This corresponds to a a rise of 0.30% for CHF/MXN in Banco Santander until now since the previous closing.
Reverse Exchange Rate (MXN/CHF)
The inverse exchange rate, Mexican peso to swiss franc (MXN/CHF), is 0.0441 today.
Comments on swiss franc to mexican peso in Banco Santander
Daily details on Swiss Franc to Peso rates
Max today | Min today | |
Average Price | 22.6734 | 22.6734 |
Last Closing | Opening | |
Average Price | 22.6061 | 22.6734 |
Other Banks/Institutions giving swiss franc to mexican peso exchange rates
Banks | Change (today) | Buy / Sell * |
Citibanamex | -0.96% | 22.466322.5013 |
Mastercard | 0.49% | 22.8016 |
FX Market | -0.89% | 22.4886 |
Conversion Table for swiss franc to mexican peso in Banco Santander
Quantity | Average Price (Average Price) |
1 CHF | 22.6734 MXN |
2 CHF | 45.3468 MXN |
5 CHF | 113.3670 MXN |
10 CHF | 226.7340 MXN |
20 CHF | 453.4680 MXN |
50 CHF | 1,133.67 MXN |
100 CHF | 2,267.34 MXN |
200 CHF | 4,534.68 MXN |
250 CHF | 5,668.35 MXN |
500 CHF | 11,336.70 MXN |
750 CHF | 17,005.05 MXN |
1000 CHF | 22,673.40 MXN |
2000 CHF | 45,346.80 MXN |
5000 CHF | 113,367.00 MXN |
Conversion Table for mexican peso to swiss franc in Banco Santander
Quantity | Average Price (Average Price) |
1 MXN | 0.044100 CHF |
2 MXN | 0.088200 CHF |
5 MXN | 0.220500 CHF |
10 MXN | 0.441000 CHF |
20 MXN | 0.882000 CHF |
50 MXN | 2.2050 CHF |
100 MXN | 4.4100 CHF |
200 MXN | 8.8200 CHF |
250 MXN | 11.0250 CHF |
500 MXN | 22.0500 CHF |
750 MXN | 33.0750 CHF |
1000 MXN | 44.1000 CHF |
2000 MXN | 88.2000 CHF |
5000 MXN | 220.5000 CHF |