Romanian Leu to Peso in Banco Santander

Last update: Tue 21/01/2025 22:20 - Central Time Zone, Mexico
Average Price4.32460.0232 0.54%(today)
*: The exchange rate shown is only indicative and does not necessarily represent the exchange rate that would be applied in transactions with the bank.
Change (Average Price)
7 days 0.07131.68%
30 days 0.09992.36%
90 days -0.0114-0.26%

Graph for romanian leu to mexican peso rates in Banco Santander

The average romanian leu to mexican peso exchange rate is $4.3246 MXN in Banco Santander in Mexico today, Tuesday 21/01/2025 22:20. The average exchange rate rised 0.0232 points today. This corresponds to a a rise of 0.54% for RON/MXN in Banco Santander until now since the previous closing.

Reverse Exchange Rate (MXN/RON)

The reverse exchange rate, Mexican peso to romanian leu (MXN/RON) is 0.2312 today.

Comments on romanian leu to mexican peso in Banco Santander

Daily details on Romanian Leu to Peso rates

Max todayMin today
Average Price4.32464.3014
Last ClosingOpening
Average Price4.30144.3014

Other Banks/Institutions giving romanian leu to mexican peso exchange rates

BanksChange (today) Buy / Sell *
FX Market-0.03%4.3224
*: Rows that contain single value should be considered as sell rates.

Conversion Table for romanian leu to mexican peso in Banco Santander

QuantityAverage Price (Average Price)
1 RON4.3246 MXN
2 RON8.6492 MXN
5 RON21.6230 MXN
10 RON43.2460 MXN
20 RON86.4920 MXN
50 RON216.2300 MXN
100 RON432.4600 MXN
200 RON864.9200 MXN
250 RON1,081.15 MXN
500 RON2,162.30 MXN
750 RON3,243.45 MXN
1000 RON4,324.60 MXN
2000 RON8,649.20 MXN
5000 RON21,623.00 MXN

Conversion Table for mexican peso to romanian leu in Banco Santander

QuantityAverage Price (Average Price)
1 MXN0.231200 RON
2 MXN0.462400 RON
5 MXN1.1560 RON
10 MXN2.3120 RON
20 MXN4.6240 RON
50 MXN11.5600 RON
100 MXN23.1200 RON
200 MXN46.2400 RON
250 MXN57.8000 RON
500 MXN115.6000 RON
750 MXN173.4000 RON
1000 MXN231.2000 RON
2000 MXN462.4000 RON
5000 MXN1,156.00 RON