Hungarian Forint to Peso in Banco Santander
HUF/MXN Last update: Thu 05/12/2024 01:55 - Central Time Zone, MexicoAverage Price0.0515730.000088 0.17%(today)
*: The exchange rate shown is only indicative and does not necessarily represent the exchange rate that would be applied in transactions with the bank.
Change (Average Price) | |
7 days | -0.000519-1.00% |
30 days | -0.002037-3.80% |
90 days | -0.004078-7.33% |
Graph for hungarian forint to mexican peso rates in Banco Santander
The average hungarian forint to mexican peso exchange rate is $0.051573 MXN in Banco Santander in Mexico today, Thursday 05/12/2024 01:55. The average exchange rate increased 0.000088 points today. This corresponds to a a rise of 0.17% for HUF/MXN in Banco Santander until now since the previous closing.
Reverse Exchange Rate (MXN/HUF)
The inverse exchange rate, Mexican peso to hungarian forint (MXN/HUF), is 19.3900 today.
Comments on hungarian forint to mexican peso in Banco Santander
Daily details on Hungarian Forint to Peso rates
Max today | Min today | |
Average Price | 0.051573 | 0.051485 |
Last Closing | Opening | |
Average Price | 0.051485 | 0.051485 |
Other Banks/Institutions giving hungarian forint to mexican peso exchange rates
Banks | Change (today) | Buy / Sell * |
Mastercard | 0.00% | 0.053942 |
FX Market | -0.07% | 0.051678 |
Conversion Table for hungarian forint to mexican peso in Banco Santander
Quantity | Average Price (Average Price) |
1 HUF | 0.051573 MXN |
2 HUF | 0.103146 MXN |
5 HUF | 0.257865 MXN |
10 HUF | 0.515730 MXN |
20 HUF | 1.0315 MXN |
50 HUF | 2.5787 MXN |
100 HUF | 5.1573 MXN |
200 HUF | 10.3146 MXN |
250 HUF | 12.8933 MXN |
500 HUF | 25.7865 MXN |
750 HUF | 38.6797 MXN |
1000 HUF | 51.5730 MXN |
2000 HUF | 103.1460 MXN |
5000 HUF | 257.8650 MXN |
Conversion Table for mexican peso to hungarian forint in Banco Santander
Quantity | Average Price (Average Price) |
1 MXN | 19.3900 HUF |
2 MXN | 38.7800 HUF |
5 MXN | 96.9500 HUF |
10 MXN | 193.9000 HUF |
20 MXN | 387.8000 HUF |
50 MXN | 969.5000 HUF |
100 MXN | 1,939.00 HUF |
200 MXN | 3,878.00 HUF |
250 MXN | 4,847.50 HUF |
500 MXN | 9,695.00 HUF |
750 MXN | 14,542.50 HUF |
1000 MXN | 19,390.00 HUF |
2000 MXN | 38,780.00 HUF |
5000 MXN | 96,950.00 HUF |