Japanese Yen to Peso in Visa

Last update: Wed 12/02/2025 04:50 - Central Time Zone, Mexico
Average Price0.135646-0.000518 -0.38%(today)
Change (Average Price)
7 days 0.0018361.37%
30 days 0.0057014.39%

Graph for japanese yen to mexican peso rates in Visa

The average japanese yen to mexican peso exchange rate is $0.135646 MXN in Visa in Mexico today, Wednesday 12/02/2025 04:50. The average exchange rate saw a decrease -0.000518 points today. This corresponds to a a fall of -0.38% for JPY/MXN in Visa until now since the previous closing.

Reverse Exchange Rate (MXN/JPY)

The inverse exchange rate, Mexican peso to japanese yen (MXN/JPY), is 7.3721 today.

Daily details on Japanese Yen to Peso rates in Visa

Max todayMin today
Average Price0.1356460.135646
Last ClosingOpening
Average Price0.1361640.135646

Other rates from Visa

Change (today)Average Price (MXN)
0.00%$ 20.568
0.00%$ 21.3557
0.00%$ 0.004977
0.00%$ 14.4026

Mexican Peso News >>

Conversion Table for japanese yen to mexican peso in Visa

QuantityAverage Price (Average Price)
1 JPY0.135646 MXN
2 JPY0.271292 MXN
5 JPY0.678229 MXN
10 JPY1.3565 MXN
20 JPY2.7129 MXN
50 JPY6.7823 MXN
100 JPY13.5646 MXN
200 JPY27.1292 MXN
250 JPY33.9115 MXN
500 JPY67.8229 MXN
750 JPY101.7344 MXN
1000 JPY135.6458 MXN
2000 JPY271.2917 MXN
5000 JPY678.2292 MXN

Conversion Table for mexican peso to japanese yen in Visa

QuantityAverage Price (Average Price)
1 MXN7.3721 JPY
2 MXN14.7442 JPY
5 MXN36.8605 JPY
10 MXN73.7210 JPY
20 MXN147.4420 JPY
50 MXN368.6050 JPY
100 MXN737.2100 JPY
200 MXN1,474.42 JPY
250 MXN1,843.03 JPY
500 MXN3,686.05 JPY
750 MXN5,529.08 JPY
1000 MXN7,372.10 JPY
2000 MXN14,744.20 JPY
5000 MXN36,860.50 JPY

Other Banks/Institutions giving japanese yen to mexican peso exchange rates

BanksChange (today) Buy / Sell *
Banco Santander-1.04%0.13383
Bank of Mexico-0.66%0.135
FX Market-1.43%0.133762
*: Rows that contain single value should be considered as sell rates.