The Rising Popularity of Cetes: A Christmas Gift for the Mexican Government

The security and a notably higher return than inflation are the two main features that have made Cetes an attractive investment alternative in recent years, especially among young people. The numbers speak for themselves: from 2012 to 2024, investment in Cetes increased tremendously, both in number of contracts and in the amounts managed. In terms of contracts, the growth went from 22,000 to 2.3 million, while the amounts grew from 6.38 billion to 166.26 billion pesos.
What reasons do investors find in Cetes? The growth of Cetes is undeniable."I decided to invest in Cetes this year because they offered very attractive rates, higher than many investment funds, and with less risk. I think it’s a good way to save for the future," said Sofía in an interview with Expansión. “It’s a way to ensure that I have money available without losing its purchasing power,” commented Lizbeth, who noted that unless there’s a significant change in interest rates, she would consider continuing her investments in these government securities. "I’ve kept my money in for up to two years and I’m satisfied with the returns. If I could, I’d keep it in for up to 10 years, but I like to spend and I haven’t managed that yet," Luz added. These professionals are part of the growing group of Mexicans who have boosted investments in Cetes in recent years, helping to narrow the gender gap in this sector. The Mexican government is the big winner, as it has managed to capture the savings of a population that was previously unsure about how to invest their money. Starting in December, CetesDirecto increased the minimum amount for the Recurrent Savings program and for automatic charges, raising it from 100 to 300 pesos. Additionally, the minimum investment period will extend from 28 to 90 days. This means that investors will need to commit their capital for longer periods, aiming to align policies with stronger financial practices. "With this change in the rules, I see this as an incentive to leave my money untouched for longer. I plan to keep it in for at least two years and occasionally add a bit more," said Marco, who began investing in Cetes in February 2023. Next, we will present charts showing the evolution of Cetes over the past 12 years. The number of contracts managed by CetesDirecto has seen remarkable growth. Young Mexicans are the primary individual investors in these instruments. The government, for its part, benefits from obtaining more financing, and women are taking on a greater role as investors. Currently, the returns on Cetes more than double the inflation rate, which stands at 4.5%, according to Inegi.
It’s clear that Cetes have become a valuable tool not only for investors but also for the national economy. With competitive returns and government backing, they represent a solid option for those looking to grow their money securely. The latest changes in the minimum terms and amounts could further incentivize a culture of saving and investment among Mexicans, resulting in a more robust financial landscape for the country.