Centenario to Peso
Last update: Sat 12/10/2024 03:10 - Central Time Zone, MexicoAverage Price 1 Centenario = 63,100.00 MXN525.000.84%(change today)Buy59,250.00500.00 0.85%Sell66,950.00550.000.83%(today)
Change (Average Price) | |
7 days | 1,050.001.69% |
30 days | 2,600.004.30% |
90 days | 10,700.0020.42% |
Graph for centenario to mexican peso rates
The average exchange rate of centenario to mexican peso in Mexico is $63,100.00 right now, Saturday 12/10/2024 03:10. The average centenario to mexican peso exchange rate rised 525.00 points today when compared to closing value of yesterday. This corresponds to a a rise of 0.84%.
Reverse Exchange Rate (MXN/Centenario)
The average exchange rate of mexican peso to centenario is 0.00001585 Centenario today.
Banks/Institutions giving centenario to mexican peso exchange rates
Banks | Change (today) | Buy / Sell * |
BBVA Bancomer | 0.85% | 59,250.0066,950.00 |
Comments on centenario to mexican peso
Daily details on Centenario to Peso rates
Max today | Min today | |
Average Price | 63,100.00 | 63,100.00 |
Buy | 59,250.00 | 59,250.00 |
Sell | 66,950.00 | 66,950.00 |
Last Closing | Opening | |
Average Price | 62,575.00 | 63,100.00 |
Buy | 58,750.00 | 59,250.00 |
Sell | 66,400.00 | 66,950.00 |
Conversion Table for centenario to mexican peso
Quantity | Average Price (Average Price) |
1 Centenario | 63,100.00 MXN |
2 Centenario | 126,200.00 MXN |
5 Centenario | 315,500.00 MXN |
10 Centenario | 631,000.00 MXN |
20 Centenario | 1,262,000.00 MXN |
50 Centenario | 3,155,000.00 MXN |
100 Centenario | 6,310,000.00 MXN |
200 Centenario | 12,620,000.00 MXN |
250 Centenario | 15,775,000.00 MXN |
500 Centenario | 31,550,000.00 MXN |
750 Centenario | 47,325,000.00 MXN |
1000 Centenario | 63,100,000.00 MXN |
2000 Centenario | 126,200,000.00 MXN |
5000 Centenario | 315,500,000.00 MXN |