The Three Kings and the Battle Against Price Hikes

The Christmas festivities have come to an end, and now we face the infamous "January slope," which the Three Kings will confront first. According to estimates from local traders, Melchor, Gaspar, and Baltasar will have to deal with a price increase of around 25% on toys that they will gift to children on the night of January 5.
And what about the Rosca?This increase stands in contrast to an overall inflation rate of 4.4% that the country’s economy is experiencing as of the end of the first half of December, according to data from Inegi. “In a family with at least two small children, (the Kings) will be spending around 1,145 pesos to buy a couple of brand-name toys, compared to 915 pesos last year, which means an increase of nearly 25%,” commented the National Alliance of Small Traders (Anpec). The organization pointed out that the prices for Lego toys range from 325 to 2,236 pesos; Hot Wheels tracks are priced between 356 and 2,368 pesos; and action figures range from 195 to 1,266 pesos. On the other hand, Barbies range from 337 to 1,610 pesos, and a makeup kit for girls costs between 339 and 2,023 pesos. In a gathering of 15 people, where traditional Rosca and hot chocolate are served, the average spending will rise to 745 pesos, reflecting a 20% increase compared to 622 pesos in 2024. Traditional roscas are the most affordable option for most families, with prices starting at 240 pesos, though this can vary depending on where they are bought. “Gourmet roscas, featuring special ingredients, fillings, and creative presentations, can cost up to 270 pesos in local bakeries, 433 pesos in supermarkets, and as much as 550 pesos in brand-name bakeries. For larger roscas, prices can reach up to 800 pesos,” detailed Anpec.
It is clear that inflation and rising prices affect everyone, especially traditions like Three Kings Day. It’s essential for consumers and merchants to manage their finances wisely, seeking alternatives that not only preserve the magic of the celebration but are also budget-friendly. Planning ahead and comparing prices can help ease the impact of these increases on family budgets.