Guatemalan Quetzal to Peso in Mastercard

Last update: Thu 10/10/2024 04:40 - Central Time Zone, Mexico
Average Price2.50590.00 0.00%(today)
*: The exchange rate is calculated with the assumption that the bank commission rate is 0%. Additionally the exchange rate is only indicative and does not necessarily represent the exchange rate that would be applied in transactions with the bank.
Change (Average Price)
7 days -0.0029-0.12%
30 days -0.0609-2.37%

Graph for guatemalan quetzal to mexican peso rates in Mastercard

The average guatemalan quetzal to mexican peso exchange rate is $2.5059 MXN in Mastercard in Mexico today, Thursday 10/10/2024 04:40. The exchange rate did not change today.

Reverse Exchange Rate (MXN/GTQ)

The reverse exchange rate, Mexican peso to guatemalan quetzal (MXN/GTQ) is 0.3991 today.

Comments on guatemalan quetzal to mexican peso in Mastercard

Daily details on Guatemalan Quetzal to Peso rates

Max todayMin today
Average Price2.50592.5059
Last ClosingOpening
Average Price2.50592.5059

Other Banks/Institutions giving guatemalan quetzal to mexican peso exchange rates

BanksChange (today) Buy / Sell *
FX Market0.24%2.523
*: Rows that contain single value should be considered as sell rates.

Conversion Table for guatemalan quetzal to mexican peso in Mastercard

QuantityAverage Price (Average Price)
1 GTQ2.5059 MXN
2 GTQ5.0118 MXN
5 GTQ12.5296 MXN
10 GTQ25.0592 MXN
20 GTQ50.1183 MXN
50 GTQ125.2959 MXN
100 GTQ250.5917 MXN
200 GTQ501.1835 MXN
250 GTQ626.4793 MXN
500 GTQ1,252.96 MXN
750 GTQ1,879.44 MXN
1000 GTQ2,505.92 MXN
2000 GTQ5,011.83 MXN
5000 GTQ12,529.59 MXN

Conversion Table for mexican peso to guatemalan quetzal in Mastercard

QuantityAverage Price (Average Price)
1 MXN0.399100 GTQ
2 MXN0.798200 GTQ
5 MXN1.9955 GTQ
10 MXN3.9910 GTQ
20 MXN7.9820 GTQ
50 MXN19.9550 GTQ
100 MXN39.9100 GTQ
200 MXN79.8200 GTQ
250 MXN99.7750 GTQ
500 MXN199.5500 GTQ
750 MXN299.3250 GTQ
1000 MXN399.1000 GTQ
2000 MXN798.2000 GTQ
5000 MXN1,995.50 GTQ